Grid Plans and Index of Names
An Index of Names for the North, North West and South Plots can be found here:
North Plot Details – Index of Names
North West Plot Details – Index of Names
South Plot Details – Index of Names
Diagrammatic plans, showing the position of the graves can be seen here:
Ashes Area
North Grid Plan
North West Grid Plan
South Grid Plan
There are certain Regulations which state what is and what is not allowed in the Burial Ground. These have been laid down by the Chancellor of the Diocese to ensure some conformity amongst graves and also to assist in the maintenance of the area as a whole.
It is strongly recommended that these are studied before planting or deciding on the choice of headstone. For a copy of the Chancellor’s Regulations click here
Burials – Possible Options
A Full Burial or burial of Cremated Remains in a new grave. This will be in the South West Plot and generally follows in sequence. It is not possible to save grave spaces, without a faculty. If preferred a smaller grave may be used for Cremated Remains.
A Full Burial in an existing grave, recorded as being double, is possible in the SW Plot.
Cremated Remains may be buried in existing graves in the South West, North or South Plots. The cremated remains may be buried in a biodegradable casket or poured into the ground.
For Either a Full Burial or a Cremation
If a headstone is intended, it is best to leave the grave for at least six months to allow the ground to settle before installation, although planting or tending a grave may begin straight away. See below. Please note that the plot belongs to the PCC but the headstone belongs to the next-of-kin who is liable for any possible future maintenance.
It is important to note that for both Full Burials or the burial of Cremated Remains it is essential that application for any form of Memorial and freestanding stone vases is made in the first instance to, and approved by, the Vicar of Holy Trinity Church.
Click here for the Application Form for the introduction of a memorial into the Burial Ground or for more information contact